首先代码是不完整的, 我还是没能成功设置音量, 除此之外, 别的倒是挺顺利的, 当前实现的功能如下:
播放 暂停 还原 停止 获取进度 获取长度 设置进度 获取播放状态
- 本项目的仓库在: SlimeNull/AudioTest, 在这里下载哦, 别忘了还原 nuget 包, 因为用了 NAudio 库.
> 音乐播放 Demo:
- 先放图吧:
首先左上角是打开文件的, 然后 PlayType 是播放方式, 我现在让它支持 3 种, 一种是SoundPlayer, 然后是 MCI, 然后是 NAudio 库. 实现了播放, 暂停, 停止, 移除, 进度调整到开头, 进度调整(就那个track bar), 同步播放(如果点了这个, UI线程会阻塞的哦), 获取音乐长度, 获取播放状态, 获取播放位置, 重复播放. 不同的功能对不同的播放种类支持性不同, 所以, 如果你按下了按钮, 没反应, 也没报错, 那就是它不支持这个功能(也就是代码里没有写)'
下载代码, 请看前面的链接.↑跳转↑
> MCI 播放器封装:
- 上边的窗体程序就体现了封装类所实现的所有功能喔, 所以试试吧, 你也可以直接粘贴下面的代码, 但是cs文件的名称, 如果可以的话, 我希望你命名为 “Null.MciPlayer” (没错就是我的名字
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using System; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace Null.MciPlayer { public class MciPlayer : IDisposable { [DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint = "GetShortPathNameW", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] extern static short GetShortPath(string longPath, string buffer, int bufferSize); [DllImport("winmm.dll", EntryPoint = "mciSendString", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] extern static int MciSendString(string command, string buffer, int bufferSize, IntPtr callback); bool TryGetShortPath(string longPath, out string shortPath) { shortPath = null; short reqLen = GetShortPath(longPath, null, 0); // 指定 null与0, 则返回需要的长度 if (reqLen == 0) return false; shortPath = new string('\0', reqLen); // 声明缓冲 short rstLen = GetShortPath(longPath, shortPath, reqLen); // 转换 if (rstLen == 0 || rstLen == reqLen) return false; shortPath = shortPath.TrimEnd('\0'); return true; } private string longpath; private string shortName; private string aliasName; public MciPlayer() { } public MciPlayer(string path) { if (!File.Exists(path)) throw new FileNotFoundException("File not exist.", path); longpath = path; } void MciSendStringWithCheck(string command, string buffer, int bufferSize, IntPtr callback) { int err = MciSendString(command, buffer, bufferSize, callback); if (err != 0) throw new MciException(err); } string StatusInfo(string info) { string buffer = new string('\0', 32); MciSendStringWithCheck($"status {aliasName} {info}", buffer, 32, IntPtr.Zero); return buffer.TrimEnd('\0'); } public string DevicePath { get => longpath; } public string DeviceShortPath { get => shortName; } public string AliasName { get => aliasName; } public bool SetDevicePath(string longpath) { if (aliasName != null) return false; this.longpath = longpath; return true; } public void Open() { if (!TryGetShortPath(longpath, out shortName)) throw new Exception("Get short path faield when initializing."); aliasName = $"nmci{DateTime.Now.Ticks}"; MciSendStringWithCheck($"open {shortName} alias {aliasName}", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero); } public void Close() { MciSendStringWithCheck($"close {aliasName}", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero); aliasName = null; } public void Play() { MciSendStringWithCheck($"play {aliasName}", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero); } public void Resume() { MciSendStringWithCheck($"resume {aliasName}", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero); } public void Pause() { MciSendStringWithCheck($"pause {aliasName}", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero); } public void Stop() { MciSendStringWithCheck($"stop {aliasName}", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero); } public int GetPosition() { return int.Parse(StatusInfo("position")); } public int GetLength() { return int.Parse(StatusInfo("length")); } public PlaybackState GetState() { switch (StatusInfo("mode").ToLower()) { case "playing": return PlaybackState.Playing; case "paused": return PlaybackState.Paused; case "stopped": return PlaybackState.Stopped; default: return PlaybackState.Invalid; } } public void PlayWait() { MciSendStringWithCheck($"play {aliasName} wait", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero); } public void PlayRepeat() { MciSendStringWithCheck($"play {aliasName} repeat", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero); } public void Seek(int position) { MciSendStringWithCheck($"seek {aliasName} to {position}", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero); } public void SeekToStart() { MciSendStringWithCheck($"seek {aliasName} to start", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero); } public void SetSeekMode(bool fExact) { MciSendStringWithCheck($"set {aliasName} seek exactly {(fExact ? "on" : "off")}", null, 0, IntPtr.Zero); } public void Dispose() { if (aliasName != null) Close(); } } public enum PlaybackState { Stopped, Playing, Paused, Invalid = -1, } public class MciException : Exception { private MciError err; public int ErrorId { get => (int)err; } public string ErrorName { get => err.ToString(); } public override string Message { get => ErrorName; } public MciException() { } public MciException(int errorId) { if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(MciError), errorId)) err = (MciError)errorId; else throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("不是正确的错误ID"); } public MciException(string errorName) { if (!Enum.TryParse<MciError>(errorName, out err)) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("不是正确的错误ID"); } enum MciError { MCIERR_NO_ERROR = 0, MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID = 257, MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_KEYWORD = 259, MCIERR_UNRECOGNIZED_COMMAND = 261, MCIERR_HARDWARE = 262, MCIERR_INVALID_DEVICE_NAME = 263, MCIERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 264, MCIERR_DEVICE_OPEN = 265, MCIERR_CANNOT_LOAD_DRIVER = 266, MCIERR_MISSING_COMMAND_STRING = 267, MCIERR_PARAM_OVERFLOW = 268, MCIERR_MISSING_STRING_ARGUMENT = 269, MCIERR_BAD_INTEGER = 270, MCIERR_PARSER_INTERNAL = 271, MCIERR_DRIVER_INTERNAL = 272, MCIERR_MISSING_PARAMETER = 273, MCIERR_UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION = 274, MCIERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 275, MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_READY = 276, MCIERR_INTERNAL = 277, MCIERR_DRIVER = 278, MCIERR_CANNOT_USE_ALL = 279, MCIERR_MULTIPLE = 280, MCIERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND = 281, MCIERR_OUTOFRANGE = 282, MCIERR_FLAGS_NOT_COMPATIBLE = 284, MCIERR_FILE_NOT_SAVED = 286, MCIERR_DEVICE_TYPE_REQUIRED = 287, MCIERR_DEVICE_LOCKED = 288, MCIERR_DUPLICATE_ALIAS = 289, MCIERR_BAD_CONSTANT = 290, MCIERR_MUST_USE_SHAREABLE = 291, MCIERR_MISSING_DEVICE_NAME = 292, MCIERR_BAD_TIME_FORMAT = 293, MCIERR_NO_CLOSING_QUOTE = 294, MCIERR_DUPLICATE_FLAGS = 295, MCIERR_INVALID_FILE = 296, MCIERR_NULL_PARAMETER_BLOCK = 297, MCIERR_UNNAMED_RESOURCE = 298, MCIERR_NEW_REQUIRES_ALIAS = 299, MCIERR_NOTIFY_ON_AUTO_OPEN = 300, MCIERR_NO_ELEMENT_ALLOWED = 301, MCIERR_NONAPPLICABLE_FUNCTION = 302, MCIERR_ILLEGAL_FOR_AUTO_OPEN = 303, MCIERR_FILENAME_REQUIRED = 304, MCIERR_EXTRA_CHARACTERS = 305, MCIERR_DEVICE_NOT_INSTALLED = 306, MCIERR_GET_CD = 307, MCIERR_SET_CD = 308, MCIERR_SET_DRIVE = 309, MCIERR_DEVICE_LENGTH = 310, MCIERR_DEVICE_ORD_LENGTH = 311, MCIERR_NO_INTEGER = 312, MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSINUSE = 320, MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTINUSE = 321, MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSINUSE = 322, MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTINUSE = 323, MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTUNSPECIFIED = 324, MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTUNSPECIFIED = 325, MCIERR_WAVE_OUTPUTSUNSUITABLE = 326, MCIERR_WAVE_SETOUTPUTUNSUITABLE = 327, MCIERR_WAVE_INPUTSUNSUITABLE = 328, MCIERR_WAVE_SETINPUTUNSUITABLE = 329, MCIERR_SEQ_DIV_INCOMPATIBLE = 336, MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_INUSE = 337, MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_NONEXISTENT = 338, MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MAPNODEVICE = 339, MCIERR_SEQ_PORT_MISCERROR = 340, MCIERR_SEQ_TIMER = 341, MCIERR_SEQ_PORTUNSPECIFIED = 342, MCIERR_SEQ_NOMIDIPRESENT = 343, MCIERR_NO_WINDOW = 346, MCIERR_CREATEWINDOW = 347, MCIERR_FILE_READ = 348, MCIERR_FILE_WRITE = 349, MCIERR_NO_IDENTITY = 350, } } }
如果有什么建议或者这个类有可改进的地方, 欢迎留言哦~ n(*≧▽≦*)n